Peavey Foundation Bass Guitar Serial Number

Peavey Foundation Bass Guitar Serial Number

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It cannot be said enough times that if you decide to go for one of those older “T” series Peaveys, make VERY SURE it has all those etched Peavey knobs, because you can spend up to $100 for a full set of them, and that’s no joke.. American-made bass guitars, as all bass players are aware, are not cheap new or used but there are a few diamonds in the rough in the used American-made bass department that won’t run you too much money.. Write down the As it states right on their home page, “American-Made Since 1946.

You will, however, find used Carvin bass guitars at instrument shops, and being they’re all American-made you don’t have to think about where they’re manufactured because you already know.

• Parts for them can be very difficult to acquire (such as the custom Peavey-only etched metal knobs for volume/tone control, which a lot of people seem to lose for whatever reason.. Write down the serial number, which consists of some letters followed by a set of numbers.. And while there’s a treasure trove of USA-made used Peavey bass guitars to be had, players typically complain of three things concerning Peavey more than anything else: • Depending on model, they can weigh a ton.. ” You buy Carvin and you’re buying American; it’s as simple as that The reason most bass players aren’t aware of Carvin is simply because Carvin is a factory-direct shop, meaning new Carvin axes are rarely seen in any instrument retailers.. With that said, in the mass-produced department concerning quality American-made used bass guitars, two companies usually stand out above the rest: Carvin and Peavey.

) • Certain Peavey bass guitars do have, shall we say, “interesting” electronics.. The used USA-made Peavey bass you will most likely come across is called the Peavey Foundation; the headstock will prominently state “CRAFTED IN THE U.

It’s generally agreed upon that you have to spend about $400 to get a good quality used bass.. A well-to-do T40 model sells for anywhere around $350 to $500 on eBay For an American-made used bass, that’s a good deal.. S A ” or “HANDCRAFTED IN THE U S A BY PEAVEY ” The other models of Peavey bass guitars you’ll see will be the “T” series, namely the T40 and the T45.. Why not make it an American-made by going Carvin? Peavey USA-made Peavey bass guitars have a solid reputation for being very well-made instruments.. “T” series Peaveys are ordinarily big, heavy instruments with big, fat top-loader bridges on them (they even have an etched/raised “PEAVEY” logo on them,) and somewhat-wacky electronics under the pick guard – but nothing you can’t handle or fix yourself. 5ebbf469cd
